Monday, April 6, 2015

The Year Ahead 1990

Well here we are! There are only three games on the playlist after the one Im currently playing (Mean Streets), so its time to start discussing the year ahead. 1990 looks awesome, with stacks of classic adventure games that Ill definitely be covering, but there are also some intriguing Borderline games that Im sure will have you guys looking at the CAP leaderboard.

For anyone uncertain about how this works, I will be playing any game marked as Accepted. Readers can spend CAPs to make me play the games marked as Borderline (50 CAPs for an individual or 100 CAPs for a joint effort) and Disregarded (200 CAPs). Unlike last time, the below is now set in stone, so dont bother heading off to Moby Games to vote or Wikipedia to edit the Notable list. Any CAP trades need to occur before my introduction post for the last game of 1989 (The Colonels Bequest), after which time 1990s playlist will be set. I intend to try to play next years games in chronological order rather than alphabetical wherever possible, hence the need to know what Im going to be playing prior to starting.

If my recent completion rates are anything to go by, youve got over 2 months to discuss and trade. All discussion should be had on this post, and I will be adjusting the CAP leaderboard and each games status as trades are made. Here we go!

Altered Destiny
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (14)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Canageek)

This game looks pretty weird, but intriguing.

Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (9)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Laukku)

I believe this game to be more adventure than RPG, but Chet has already played through it.

Circuits Edge
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (18)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No

Cyberpunk seemed to be all the rage during this period. Another future based detective story.

Conquests of Camelot: The Search For the Grail
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (38)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

Really looking forward to this one! Another Sierra classic that Ive not played before.

Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (26)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

Access follow-up to Mean Streets, this is a Secret Service thriller with digitized actors

Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (3)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Group)

Well at least its in VGA! Is anyone going to make me play another ICOM game?

Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (8)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Zenic)

Another sci-fi adventure. Earthrise already looks retro in 1990!

Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (9)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No
ResultAccepted (Group)

Added to the list because its sequel meets the Potential criteria. We havent had vampires yet! Anyone tempted?

Future Wars: Adventures in Time
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (35)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

This game looks beautiful and I recall at least starting it as a kid.

Hugos House of Horrors
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (26)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

Looks like Maniac Mansion with a Sierra interface

It Came From the Desert
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?No
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (24)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No

I have fond memories of this from my youth, but its not a true adventure game

James Bond: The Stealth Affair
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (16)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Bleaghhh)

I wouldnt mind the chance of being James Bond for a few weeks.

Kings Quest V: Absence Make the Heart Go Yonder!
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (66)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

Another one that Im very much looking forward to.

Les Manley: Search for the King
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?No (8)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No
ResultAccepted (Group)

Added to the list because its sequel meets the Potential criteria. This ones got Larry all over it!

Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (143)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

I cant believe I havent played this! Cant wait!!!

Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (80)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes


Rise of the Dragon
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (47)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

Yet another futuristic detective game that I havent played.

Roberta Williams Kings Quest I: Quest for the Crown
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (37)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No
ResultAccepted (Laukku)

An official remake of the first Kings Quest. Anyone keen to see these updates?

Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?No
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (24)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes
ResultAccepted (Ilmari)

Its interactive fiction with graphics, but its on the Wiki list so...

The Oregon Trail
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?No
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (36)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?No

This is the 1982 game, finally given a DOS port. Its not an adventure game though.

The Secret of Monkey Island
Is it clearly a graphic adventure game?Yes
Does it have 20 or more Moby Games ratings?Yes (467)
Is it on the Wikipedia Notable Games list?Yes

The Secret of Monkey Island? Never heard of it!

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